If your engine’s temperature is fluctuating between hot and cold, you’ve got a faulty thermostat underneath the hood. We will talk more about the temperature changes below. Goose Euro is the best auto shop in San Antonio, and we can replace the thermostat after we have confirmed that it is malfunctioning. The factory thermostat installed in your automobile when it was built will last approximately 100,000 miles or 10 years. The problems below are signs that the thermostat is going bad.
A Corroded Thermostat Housing
The thermostat is located next to the water pump, and it is protected by a metal housing. The thermostat opens a valve to release the coolant into the water pump so it can circulate it through the engine. This valve can get stuck in the closed position and the coolant will leak out of it. The coolant will pool around the thermostat housing and form a sticky gel. This gel will corrode the housing and start to eat through it. Consequently, you will end up with…
Leaking Coolant on the Garage Floor
The leak above is a slow leak that you may not notice. It may not affect your engine’s temperature. When the coolant is leaking on the garage floor, however, it reduces the level of coolant in the engine and the engine will start to run hotter. It’s important that you avoid driving your automobile if the engine is overheating. Continuing to operate the vehicle can seriously damage the engine. In fact, you could even crack the engine block or head gasket.
Erratic Engine Temperature Changes
As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, erratic engine temperature changes are a sign that the thermostat is malfunctioning. When the thermostat gets old, it may read the engine’s temperature incorrectly. Consequently, it will release coolant at strange times. This can cause your engine’s temperature to go between hot and cold constantly. You will know there is a problem because you will see the needle on the temperature gauge moving up and down.
Overheating Constantly
Finally, a faulty thermostat can also make the engine overheat constantly, especially if it does not release the coolant. When this is the case, your engine’s temperature will rise too fast after you start your automobile. In fact, the engine will overheat within the first 15 minutes of it running.
Goose Euro in San Antonio, TX, is here to help, so call us today to set up a service appointment for your automobile so we can replace the thermostat.