
Signs My Smart Car Has a Vacuum Leak

Your Smart car uses the vacuum that is produced by the engine to power various components. The vacuum pressure is routed through vacuum hoses. Unfortunately, over time, Goose Euro advises that one of the vacuum hoses may spring a leak. When this happens, we can replace the leaking vacuum hose in your Smart car. Let’s talk about the signs of a vacuum leak below.

Check Engine Warning

The check engine light or CEL usually turns on fairly quickly once a vacuum leak develops. This is because the vacuum pressure is released into the engine and fills the engine with air. This will cause system sensors to report malfunctions to the Smart car’s main computer chip. The computer chip cannot repair the vacuum leak, so it will turn on the CEL to warn you of trouble.

Performance Problems

As the engine fills with air, it will start to sputter and lag, especially the acceleration, until you get the vacuum leaks fixed. Unfortunately, the excess air causes the engine to become fuel-starved. Consequently, your Smart car’s engine will struggle to perform the way it normally does.

Reduced Fuel Economy

When the engine is not performing efficiently, it uses more fuel. One of the things that Smart cars are known for is their fuel economy. Unfortunately, you won’t see the fuel economy that your Smart car usually gets if the engine has a vacuum leak. This is due to the engine performance problems discussed above. Repairing the vacuum leak will restore the engine and fuel efficiency.

High or Erratic RPMs

If you suspect that your Smart car does have a vacuum leak, take a look at the tachometer to see what the needle is doing. Generally, a vacuum leak will cause the engine’s RPMs to register high consistently or to go between high and low. If the needle is reflecting this, you likely have a vacuum leak.

Malfunctioning Components

As we mentioned above, the Smart car uses the engine vacuum to power components. Consequently, if you have a vacuum leak, the components may start to malfunction. One example of this is the power steering pump. You may notice it is getting harder to turn your Smart car.

Strange Engine Noises

Finally, the Smart car’s engine may start to make strange noises if it has a vacuum leak. Specifically, the engine may sound like the hose on your household vacuum. It may also make hissing sounds.

Goose Euro in San Antonio, TX, is here to help, so give us a call today if you suspect that your Smart car has an engine vacuum leak.

Photo by ollo from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro